The Fashionable Life and Editorial Eye of Armand Dicker

Written by Armand Dicker


1. Tell us a bit about yourself .
So this is a bit of a long answer, apologies: I work in fashion. I started working in the fashion industry as a model. I was scouted at the age of 15 but only really started working professionally as a model from the age of 24, when I got signed with Boss Models. This was after I completed my studies in Fashion Design. 
After graduating I started my fashion brand DICKER, I got into the top 4 of AFI Fastrack, a program by AFI and Mercedes Benz Fashion Week and the rest was history. This was my big segway into the industry. 
In 2017 I stopped working on my brand DICKER, and focussed on modelling and styling. Until about 4 Years ago I started working with my fiancé Anthony Dane Hinrichsen as a styling and creative direction duo. In 2020, around 3 years ago I picked up a camera for the first time and absolutely fell in love with this medium of storytelling. Something just clicked. This was also the official start of our duo together as DICKER & DANE. Since I’ve been a full time photographer, working in creative direction and art direction.
Some of my interests, I’m obsessed with editorial photography and fashion magazines,  with the 1960’s and 1970’s, retro futurism, art, the renaissance period, religious iconography (even though I’m not religious at all :D) I have a bunch of religious and I guess blasphemous tattoos all over my body. I have a huge passion and love for nature, I have a crazy encyclopedic knowledge about birds, fish and a lot of animals. My first ever models were birds! I’m an avid bird photographer. I love walking, being on the streets, and being around people and other creatives. I love taking risks and I live for travelling.
2. How would you describe your photographic style?
I could describe it as Editorial Photography, with an influence of art and the fantastical. What I love about it is that you can tell a story with the help of fashion and casting. You can transport the viewer to different eras and worlds. With my love of travel I want the viewer to travel when seeing my work. 
3. What pushed you to start shooting? 
We were back in South Africa for a couple of months after living in Bangkok and ended up producing and styling some amazing shoots for international photographers, these shoots all got into Vogue, Glamour and L’Officiel and we realized we could start doing that for ourselves. We loved being in charge of casting, styling and direction (complete control freaks :D). Then Covid struck, Anthony and one of our best friends Demi encouraged me to start shooting, as they thought I had an eye for it. So my friend Demi lent her camera to me. 6 months later I bought my own camera with my first paycheck from a campaign I shot for Diesel.
4. How do you stay motivated? 
My partner Anthony Dane Hinrichsen. I definitely have the vision and the drive in terms of just doing things! But he’s the most supportive person, so thankful to have him in my life and also to have him create alongside me.
5. Who is your inspiration when it comes to photography? 
My absolute photographic Hero is Zhong Lin, a Malay/Taiwanese photographer! Had the privilege of meeting her in Paris last year and absolutely made my entire life. I’ve definitely been influenced by the greats like Peter Lindbergh, Irving Penn and Tim Walker with his whimsy and fantasy. 
6. Where is your favorite place to shoot? 
The beach by the rocks… (just kidding) 
I love nature though, anywhere that can transport you somewhere else, somewhere otherworldly. Also love shooting around amazing architecture, especially from the 60s, at the moment I’m really loving shooting in Thailand. The opportunities are endless.
7. Do you shoot on other formats?
I fell really hard for film photography, if I could I’d only be shooting on film. I shoot on 35mm, 120mm Medium Format and some digital
8. What is your go to camera? 
My favourite camera is my Hasselblad ELM500, my bulky fashion dinosaur, I own a 50mm and 150mm lens for it and the end product is just perfect, requires no retouch. I shot the cover story “Pool Party” for Vogue Portugal on that.
Also shoot on a Canon V33 (the one I bought from ThatGoodHour) I’m obsessed with it. Shot the Cape Cobra Leather and Viviers campaigns on that, also our latest story for Vogue Portugal “Everywhere and nowhere”. On that camera I use my Zeiss 35mm or 50mm primes, or the nifty Canon 40mm Pancake lens. My Digital camera is a Canon 80D, I use the Zeiss lenses on that too, or Canon primes, I do use a 100-400mm Canon telephoto for Bird and wildlife photography though. 
9. What kind of photos do you hope to capture/ what kind of photography do you want to be known for? 
Imagery that transports you to different times and worlds! I hope to continue traveling into the past and retelling and reframing stories from back then. 
I definitely hope to be known for Fashion and Editorial photography.
10. Do you have any future projects you’re potentially working on?
We have been working on some super exciting print editorials in Asia, but I can’t really discuss them so you guys will have to keep an eye out for those. 
I’m also continuously working on prints that I collect and capture during my travels. Consisting of Nature, Wildlife, Magical locations and travels, which I see off my website,
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